At Nexus, all of the Year 6 learners are performing a play called ‘The Tempest’.
The story was written by William Shakespeare. In the Tempest, a magician, Prospero and his daughter Miranda, have been stuck on an island for 12 years when the people who plotted his end, King Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian is spotted by the island. Prospero creates a tempest causing the ship to wreck. Later the magician acknowledged his mistakes and becomes kinder.
All the Year 6s have to do the play by ourselves with only a bit of teacher’s help. We have to bring in our own costumes and memorize song lyrics and lines.
So far, the Year 6’s have been practicing the songs, all very fitting for the scenes, and practicing our lines. At the speed we’re going at, we all feel confident and creative while for preparing the play.